Chapter 4 (How to use aci Part 3)

By the end of this chapter , you will be able to add 3rd party cores to the aci tools. These 3rd party cores are required to be able to use boards like ESP32 and ESP8266.

To do this , we have to first create the config file. To create the config file , type the following in the terminal

arduino-cli config init 

This will create the config.yaml file at /home/<username>/.arduino15/arduino-cli.yaml.

The previous step is optional. Because the script itself will create it for you. Just incase it doesn't , you have to create the .yaml file using the command given above.

To do the above , type aci in the terminal , navigate to Edit Configurations option and choose your preferred editor.

Then copy and paste the following links for :

  1. ESP8266

  1. ESP32

Then exit the editor.

Then in the terminal type :

arduino-cli core update-index
arduino-cli core install esp32:esp32 (esp8266:esp8266 for ESP8266)
arduino-cli board install 

#To list all boards 
arduino-cli board listall

New Core